Making College Worth It focuses on the educational goals of each student, while working to identify the college best suited within their family’s financial needs. We are not financial or tax advisors.
Combining a detailed search process for colleges most fitting for the student, with emphasis on the total cost through graduation. We do not recommend financial products for our clients.
We promise transparency, commitment to your values, and unwavering dedication to your educational opportunities and growth.
Jim Anderson is the founder of Making College Worth It. After 25+ years in the IT industry, Jim ventured into a new direction: College and Financial Aid Planning. He combined his interest and knowledge in personal finance, from a stint as a financial planner in the 90’s, with the research needed to find colleges for his oldest three children to start a business that not only addresses the college search process but the cost of college and ways to reduce that cost. For over 10 years, Making College Worth It has been helping families find great/affordable college programs that will prepare them for their first job and career.
Educate students and their families on the college planning process. We work to prepare clients in advance to reduce stress throughout each stage from search to college acceptance.